Testimonials & Results
– Experience real transformation with Edison Prep –
– Experience real transformation with Edison Prep –
Most big-box tutoring companies in Atlanta report score increase statistics with caveats: only for their top-improving kids and only for those who did private tutoring, not group classes (e.g. only for students who did over $2500 of private tutoring, and who did X mocks tests and at least XX% of the homework, please see fine print, etc.) Big agencies often collect results data on only 15% or less of their students.
Our jobs are made much harder, and our statistics that much more impressive, because our average ACT student starts with a top 33% score and average SAT student starts with a top 30% score, meaning that most of the low-hanging fruit is gone and we have to really iron out the hardest content!
Interesting Fact:
Edison Prep tutors approx. 4% of Georgia ACT test-takers, but we often tutor upwards of 15% of the state’s perfect 36s. We have tutored at least fifteen of Georgia’s perfect 36’s for the last 14 years running, and over 10% of Georgia’s 36’s for the 2014-2023 school years.
Edison Prep reports ACT and SAT score increase statistics:
– from June 2023 – Feb. 2024 –
Average Increase
Percent of students ending at a score of 30+ (top 7%) and/or who went up 5+ points
Approximately 30% of students do a class only, 10% do private only, and 60% of students do “hybrid” (class before the first test, followed by a much smaller amount of private tutoring for fine-tuning before the second exam)
– from Dec. 2022 – Dec. 2023 –
Average Increase
Percent of students ending at a 1350 (top 10%) and/or who went up 160+
Approximately 50% of SAT students do a class only, 10% do private only, and 40% of students do “hybrid” (class before the first test, followed by a much smaller amount of private tutoring for fine-tuning before the second exam)
Take a look at what our students and families have to say about their recent successes.
A partial list of Colleges and Universities that our recent students have gotten into: