College Admissions Advising

We work with over 2,500 students a year on SAT/ACT prep, and over 20% of those families end up hiring an independent educational consultant (IEC) for college counseling services. In a world with Common App causing application explosions, FAFSA changes, and a competitive landscape where schools no longer resemble their former selves (Tennessee has gone from 91% acceptance rate to 22% in just seven years), it’s important to stay up to date and a useful investment.

To that end, Edison Prep maintains a vetted, curated list of college counselors who we’ve had successful experience with and great feedback on from our former SAT/ACT clients. Reach out to us at 404-333-8573 or [email protected] and we can send you a list!

College admission is getting tougher than ever due to a “perfect storm” of factors:

Longer Waits

Students who need to guarantee themselves adequate financial aid options are applying to a dozen or more schools, forcing greater use of waitlist / “wait and see” approaches from admissions offices

More Applications

A higher percentage of students are applying to college

More Students

The peak of the “baby boomlet” is occurring; more high school seniors are graduating now than in the late 1990s and early 2000s

Less Aid

Financial aid budgets are strained due to decreased endowments and alumni giving as a result of the recession