Preparation Guide for Taking an In-Person Mock SAT

– Mock Testing at Edison Prep –


Edison Prep is proctoring this practice digital SAT in the same way your school likely will: on your student’s device. Please ensure that your student has created their College Board account and successfully installed the Bluebook app on their device before they arrive to test. Questions on how to do that? Consult our handy Bluebook Guide if needed! Students must also know their College Board login AND password.

Our proctors can guide students with the app while testing, but Edison Prep can neither create College Board accounts for students nor provide them with devices, so please come prepared to test!


Tests will begin on time. For a smooth testing experience and to avoid potentially needing to reschedule, please make sure your student has installed the BlueBook App as described above!

What to Bring

  • College Board log-in information (username and password)
  • A fully charged laptop such as a Mac laptop, PC laptop, or school-issued Chromebook. Not allowed: Personal Chromebooks (non-school-issued Chromebooks) or iPads. The dSAT practice test will not work on an iPad, and its an inferior device on which to take the real exam.
Edison Prep